Sunday, December 15, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Great New Year

Dear Friends

Bobcat, December 15, from the porch
of friends Miles & Gail 
PQ and I want to wish you all a warm, safe and happy experience of this ending year. Christmas is all about  rebirth of hope during the time of year when life is hidden beneath the earth and the seeds of the previous year lay asleep in preparation for the next spring cycle. While watching TV we get the impression that a frenzy spending money on gifts is all there is to this time of year. Perhaps that is the best our threadbare culture can give us. We yearn to experience something magical, festive and full of celebration and if it isn't for sale, how can we acquire it? I suppose this spending and exchange of gifts was once about investing in faith that life will go on and it can be again for those who change channels.

We almost missed this
because we sleep late.
Looking backwards from this far end of 2013 I’m drawing a memory blank. This isn’t uncomfortable just strange. I know we visited our amazing friend Carol in Cottonwood Arizona several times, met new friends and renewed the company of old friends, stayed several times with dear friends Miles and Gail in Santa Fe, and had an art show for the first time together, but somehow all of this seems far away. The film about Mabel Dodge and Tony Luhan, PQ’s great grandfather and his famous culturally visionary wife is progressing in an organic manner. In other words, all is moving forward along the timeline of our journey.

Christmas newsletters are usually boring because they are about people one doesn’t know well doing things that only their immediate family would find interesting. So I will say only that we are thankful for the abundance of goodness that we have enjoyed. We are warm and dry, our life together is good and our family and friends are special jewels who seem to be managing their own life issues courageously and well.

future. PQ’s lung disease is worsening, and it is important that somehow we find a way to move to a lower altitude. Arizona suits us well. If we can find a workable way to live there, it will be possible to have PQ’s medical information transferred to either Phoenix or Tucson Arizona. 
Arroyo Seco Snow Last Week

Here we go into a new adventure. It should be interesting to see how the Creator will design this journey called 2014.  We will try to stay tuned and not get in our own way. We look forward to sharing the coming year with all of you. Sometimes it seems like we are in a movie but we can't fast forward. It should be interesting to see what next year brings. 
May the Creator be with you  and may we all do our best with the script we are given for this new year. ----- Merry Christmas and much love.